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In a residence or commercial building excessive moisture can lead to poor IAQ (indoor air quality). Mold is one of the first things people think of in terms of excessive moisture, and it is a real problem! Mold enjoys the same basic temperature that humans do. Excessive moisture, and in turn mold, can ruin flooring, walls and furnishings. Testing equipment which allows us to locate, measure and record moisture levels can help you determine a corrective course of action. Take a look at the article at the bottom of this page for more info
A building that is "leaky" or too tight can be a source of high energy bills or poor air quality, including deadly carbon monoxide. Using state-of-the-art equipment which is precisely calibrated to measure airflow we can calculate infiltration rates(how much air leaks into a "building). We can "see" how a building is effect by pressue changes, and what adjustments may be required.
Buildings with poor air flow often seem uncomfortable due to lack of fresh air. Or there may be rooms that are always hot (or cold) no matter what the temperature in the rest of the building. By using computerized flow hoods to accurately "measure" the airflow, we can determine the source of the problem and adjust the system to achieve the desired air flow. (This may include consulting the plans and/or doing a computerized load calculation.) The focus is health & safety, with comfort and energy savings as a bonus!
A specialized testing unit called a combustion analyzer is used to sample the flue gases of an operating gas-fired piece of equipment. This instrument collects data, such as stack temperatures, carbon monoxide levels and other operating parameters, allowing the technician to easily determine if the equipment is operating properly. If not, he can then make needed adjustments.
I.A.Q. MONITORING - What is it?
We monitor our environment constantly with our senses. We notice if it's too hot or too cold, damp, musty; if there is new carpet or wall covering, we get that 'new building' smell. For each individual, what is comfortable varies. However, there are generally recognized 'zones' of temperature and humidity that most people find acceptable. Humidity also effects the building itself and if to high can actually result in failure of building materials. There are things in our environment that we cannot monitor with our senses and these are issues that involve health and safety. For example, carbon monoxide! Deadly - yet we cannot see it, taste it or smell it. We expect our indoor environment - where we spend most of our time - to be comfortable, healthy, safe and when it is not, we need to know why not. This is where I.A.Q. monitoring comes to the rescue! With electronic monitoring we can get a comprehensive picture of the indoor environment. A few of the things we can monitor:
Temperature: Is a consistent temperature being maintained in the building? Does it vary from the thermostat setting by several degrees or from one part of the building to another?
High Humidity: can cause occupants to be uncomfortable; it promotes mold growth and degradation of building materials.
Carbon Monoxide: tasteless, colorless and odorless, it is deadly in high concentrations.
Carbon Dioxide : high levels affects productivity, as well as health and comfort.
Particulates: those little particles that we may refer to as dust, but are in reality a smorgasbord of materials which may consist of mold, carpet, drapes and furniture fibers, drywall dust, ink, toner and paper filters, human skin flakes, hair, dirt and dust mites. Just what is in the air your breathing? Is the filtration what it needs to be? A single reading is a snapshot. Readings taken over several days or even weeks give a more comprehensive view of these conditions. Environmental sampling done by skilled inspectors and processed by a certified I.A.Q. lab, data logging & monitoring, and interpretation of data by qualified professionals insures accurate data with which informed decisions can be made and a plan of action formulated.
Air Express Air Conditioning Inc.Advanced Building Diagnostics
The Future of Comfort!
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